Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Tier List – Best Characters Ranked

Posted on the 28 October 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 28 October, 2022

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Tier List – Check out the best fire emblem characters we’ve collected in this updated tier list.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes takes place in the world of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and dispenses with the traditional real-time strategy formula in favor of the Warriors’ “Mihoyo” style of combat. You’ll play your favorite characters from the Three Houses as they face off against huge armies of units, attempting to take control of strongholds and dominate on an open battlefield. In Three Hopes, several characters stand as the best. This guide includes a list of levels for the best characters in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Tier List

Unlike Three Houses, in Three Hopes you cannot recruit every character you encounter to help you in the campaign. Several characters will stay at home, becoming allies or enemies, depending on the progression of the story. While you can’t recruit them all, you can start a new campaign to play as one of the three houses and use them.

Here is our tier list of the best characters in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.

Tier Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Character

S Byleth, Dimitri, Felix, Holst, Jeritza, and Shez

A Balthus, Berndaetta, Claude, Dorothea, Edelgard, Flayn, Hilda, Hubert, Ingrid, Linhardt, Rhea, Sothis, and Yuri

B Annette, Arval, Caspar, Constance, Ferdinand, Hapi, Lorenz, Lysithea, Manuela, Mercedes, Petra, Raphael, Rodrigue, and Shamir

C Ashe, Catherine, Dedue, Gatekeeper, Ignatz, Jeralt, Marianne, Seteth, and Sylvain

D Leonie and Monica

FEW Three Hopes – Tier List Explanation

At level S, the best swordsman are Holst and Felix. However, Felix comes out on top thanks to his Intense Speed, which increases his speed every time he performs a dodge for a short period of time. His incomparable ability easily makes him the best character in the game. Byleth, Dimitri and Jeritza are powerful in battle, and with Shez as the main character, their flexibility makes them a powerful asset in any campaign.

At the A level, we have many other characters that you can use throughout the campaign. While not as definitive choices as those we select at S-level, these characters are compelling and should never be overlooked when choosing your roster. Typically, you’ll want these characters to be playable during a major chapter battle.

Next, at the B level, we have a handful of characters that you’ll want to keep at a decent level in your campaign, but you won’t want to rely on them as much. Instead, we recommend that you make sure to use them in minor battles and give them training partners in camp to progress in their classes. Outdoors, you may want to have them as non-playable characters in chapter battles, supporting your favorite options.

For C-level, these are the characters that are fine, and you might consider them B-level depending on whether you find them to be favorites. Generally, we would not recommend using these solid characters, but they are not like the D-level characters, which we strongly discourage. There are better characters than Leonie and Monica, and you can choose them as alternate options throughout the Three Hopes campaign.

One nice thing about Three Hopes is the ability to level up a character by using the Record Keeper and repeating quests. You can upgrade and practice with your characters at any time in the camp, making them stronger and preparing them for the brutal combat that awaits, especially on the harder difficulties.

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