Finishing a New Painting

By Abstractartbylt @artbylt

My goals in the next stage of this painting were to tone down some of the bright colors, to add more texture and interest, and to better define the composition.  I worked on the canvas in an overall manner, adding more titanium white to block out some of the strong red, yellow and blue.

As I worked, I added color in and then scraped it out, stepping back to look at the painting often.  I ended up putting in more Prussian blue and cadmium red where I thought more was needed to balance the composition.

Each time I scraped paint with the palette knife, I wiped it clean in order to prevent too much mixing of colors.  It's a delicate balance getting the colors to mix where you want them to, and to be pure where you don't. 

My final step was to draw some lines in black to emphasize areas and shapes, being careful not to overdo this technique.

  Painting #178, 20" x 20" acrylic on canvas.