Finish This Week 48: One Day Late

Posted on the 04 December 2014 by Krickeyb

Ah crap. I have been so busy this week that I forgot to post my week 48 Finish This! Well, for starters, Happy December to you all. I realize I haven’t posted as frequently this week compared to most (if not all) of November. That will change, though, I promise! I will kick of December with my Finish This post…. one day late. Enjoy the prompts below!

My biggest fan…
… is my family and God. I do not have just one fan who is always by my side. I am truly blessed to say that my entire family and my God cheer me on through it all. My family never fails to amaze me with their support and love. I know that they always have my back, even when times are tough. If you are a believer to whatever degree, you would probably think, “Wait… my biggest fan is God. You can’t have him all to yourself!” I hope we all can agree that God does not just cheer on one single person in this universe. He loves us all and wants each of us to succeed in our own ways. When I say God is my biggest fan, one of my favorite scriptures comes to mind: Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Him, who strengthens me.” I truly believe that this is a great verse to ensure us all that He is one of our greatest (if not THE greatest) fans.

My great blessing is…
…I have to choose just one again? Boy, this is tough. Lately, I have many great blessings worth noting. However, I will choose just one that stands out in my mind today. My great blessing today is being able to live in a place where women have the opportunity to follow their dreams. I was reading this post comparing the women of today versus the women from about a century ago, and I couldn’t help but feel elated. We still have a ways to go, but the progress is quite astonishing. In exactly one month, I will begin my graduate classes at American University. I am SO blessed to have this opportunity to further my communication studies so one day I can spread my knowledge to a new group of students. I am thrilled to live in a time and country that allows me to do this. I cannot wait to see what is to come for women in the future.

Sometimes, all you need to feel better about life is…
…a little chocolate. Come on, y’all. You cannot tell me that chocolate (or other sweet indulgences you crave) do not remind you how great life can be. I just love the decadent taste, the sweet bar melting on my tongue, and most of all, the desire to have just one more bite. In a way, I think that this type of indulgence reminds me that I cannot always have “just one more.” Although some of you may feel that is a negative, I find it to be a positive. This motivates me to work hard so I can earn another reward. Perhaps I should change my response to say that rewards, in general, are all I need to remind myself that life can be pretty great sometimes.

In the case of chocolate, a few extra minutes on the elliptical and three more sets of ab workouts would be the “work” I need to put in to reward myself with another candy bar, haha. My inner B.F. Skinner (American psychologist and behaviorist) is showing. Operant Conditioning works for me, I guess. Do something well, get a reward. Do something wrong, get punished.  Rewards make life a little sweeter… especially if that reward is chocolate. ;)

That about does it, everyone. Be sure to check out my Finish This post for next Wednesday. I hope this December is a wonderful month for you all! Happy Thursday!

Prompts for WEEK 49 — December 10
My ideal winter weekend
My favorite song lyric
I smile because