Finish This Week 22 (technically 3)

Posted on the 04 June 2014 by Krickeyb

Another Wednesday means another Finish This! I always look forward to Wednesdays because it is one less topic I have to stress coming up with. Plus, I feel united with other bloggers completed a similar blog post as me. If you are just tuning in, I recently “linked up” with other bloggers by participating in a blogging game called Finish This. The game is an opportunity for bloggers to link up and share a bit about themselves. If you are reading this, consider joining in! If you do not have a blog, simply comment below and “finish” the sentences that I have finished below. For more information, click the image below!

I conquer fear …
By trusting that the Lord has great plans for me. I will admit that it took me a while to be able to do this. I still struggle sometimes in tough situations. In the end, I know that God has a plan. While at Stevenson, I often attended this fantastic church… The Cause Church near Columbia, MD. The pastor there never failed to inspire me in great ways. One sermon he gave (in short) explained how in order to have peace in our lives, we need to let go of fear by trusting in the Lord. The cynical part of me thought, “It isn’t that easy.” It’s as if he read my mind because he went on to say that he knows that letting go of your fears can be difficult. When you begin to doubt, pray. When fear is starting to overcome your life, pray. When things are going wonderfully and you may be worried it is too good to be true, pray.

Like I said before, I still struggle with this. Completely letting go is HARD. I hope others would agree. With that being said, I am still growing in my faith. One day at a time fears are drifting away from me. Trust and pray so fears disappear.

I follow my heart …
in just about every situation. I use my head while learning or at work, but outside of that, I follow my heart. Almost five years ago, the man I am dating and I were together in high school. Our lives were pulling us in different directions, so our relationship was suffering. After breaking up in high school, I knew one day we would meet again. He was in Connecticut living his life while I was in Maryland living mine. Three and a half years go by and we found ourselves right back where we were in high school. Falling for each other again. I was hesitant at first and some of my friends told me that I shouldn’t try something that failed once. Instead of listening to others and following my head (which always over analyzes a situation), I followed my heart. We decided to get back together and it was like nothing changed. The only thing that has changed is we more mature and about to start careers rather college! I am happier than I have EVER been. I fully intend on following my heart for many years to come if the outcome is this wonderful.

Left Photo: 2008 Right Photo: 2014

I feed my soul by …
reading an incredible book. I love the feeling you get when you finish an amazing novel. You devote so much of your time to the characters in the book that you feel as if you know them personally. In some cases, you feel that you are the character in some strange way. It is a feeling I never want to lose. I encourage you all to read because it is a great way to keep your imagination flowing and your heart fulfilled.

I used to worry about ____ but then I …
I used to worry about what people thought of me, but then I realized that no one’s opinions matter other than my own (and maybe close family and friends on occasion). Some people have one agenda and that is to be better than others. On their journey to being better, they feel the need to put others down. Two years ago I would have crumbled and fell to the ground. Now, I say go ahead and give it your best shot. Anything a person says or does to me just fuels me to try harder. I no longer worry about what that girl who is staring at me thinks. Hopefully she is thinking that my dress is adorable! ;)

*Now it is your turn! Comment below and finish these sentences or join the fun! Link up by clicking the Finish This image above and follow instructions. I would love to hear your responses. Join in next week if you are tuning in after Wednesday. Finish the prompts below!*

Prompts for WEEK 23 (June 11) are:
The best compliment I ever received …
Wearing red lipstick makes me feel …
The best investment I’ve made …
My best childhood memory …