Finish This… Week #21 (Number 2 for Me)

Posted on the 28 May 2014 by Krickeyb

Happy Hump Day! I am back this week with another Finish This…

If you are just tuning in, I recently “linked up” with other bloggers by participating in a blogging game called Finish This. The game is an opportunity for bloggers to link up and share a bit about themselves. If you are reading this, consider joining in! If you do not have a blog, simply comment below and “finish” the sentences that I have finished below. For more information, click the image below!

The best mistake I ever made …
was retiring from softball. It was a very hard transition and I miss the game… A LOT. However, SO many opportunities came about from this decision. It may have been a mistake at first, but in the end, it was one of the best mistakes I ever made. ;)

Throwback to college softball days!

From this mistake, I learned …
that other’s opinions about decisions you made may not be the opinions to focus on. Many people disagreed with my decision to quit and did not make me feel too great about it. They made me feel guilty and made it clear they thought that I made the wrong decision. Others supported my decision. I focused on the negative opinions at first, which ended up hurting me a lot. After a while, I realized that it was my life and my decision. I was (still am) proud of that decision.

When I’m anxious, I tell myself …
I think that you may expect something positive here. Unfortunately, if I am anxious, I let it get to my head. I blow things out of proportion and become a worrier. I am learning to control it with breathing techniques. Typically I will tell myself to hit the gym and put all my thoughts out the door. Once I cross the gym doors, I focus 100% on my workout. It is very helpful.

All I really want to do is …
plan events, cook awesome meals, raise an amazing family with the man of my dreams, and live a peaceful, fulfilling life. Is that too much to ask? :P

Now it is your turn! Comment below and finish these sentences or join the fun! Link up by clicking the Finish This image above and follow instructions. I would love to hear your responses. Join in next week if you are tuning in after Wednesday. Finish the prompts below!

Prompts for WEEK 22 (June 4) are:
I conquer fear …
I follow my heart …
I feed my soul by …
I used to worry about ____ but then I …