Finish This…

Posted on the 19 May 2014 by Krickeyb

Starting Wednesday, I will be joining the “Finish This…” blogging fun! Each week, four bloggers, Nicole (Three 31), Jen (The Arizona Russums), Becky (The Java Mama), and Lisa (COASTLINED), will post sentence prompts to inspire great blog posts! I wish I knew about this back in January when it started. Better late than never, right?

If you are interested in joining this, follow the instructions I received from Lisa’s blog (COASTLINED) below:

Details & Instructions
1. Sentence prompts will be provided every week (prompts for Week Twenty are posted at the bottom of this blog). Bloggers: simply answer the prompts, publish on your blog, and add the URL to the link-up.
2. Finish This… occurs every Wednesday (this began on January 8, 2014). For me, this will begin May 21, 2014.
3. Please include the green button in your post.
4. Tweet about your post and tag @nmhutch@lisadenoia@jenrussum, and @thejavamama using the hashtag #FinishThisLinkUp.
5. Above all else, have fun! 

So, there you have it. Are you up for it? If so, follow the instructions above! Happy blogging.

Prompts for WEEK 20 (May 21) are:
My favorite recipe is …

I believe in …
I need to set boundaries …
I began living when …