Finger on the Retro Pulse

By Xoxoxoe
It's funny how when you haven't thought of something for a long time and then it's suddenly everywhere. During our Halloween movie marathon I introduced my nine year-old daughter to the classic television show, The Munsters. She absolutely loved it, from Herman's childish behavior but sweet personality, to Lily's take-charge attitude and glamor to Grandpa's wacky inventions. She was less impressed by Marilyn (poor Marilyn!), but adored Eddie, who is about the same age as she is.
We watched most of the show's two seasons and I know we will check it out again from time to time. So color me surprised when the other day we ran across these at a local toy store. Maybe Netflix showing all of these sold series is having a sales impact as well. It's funny that they chose to "outfit" The Munsters in one of the few episodes, "Hot Rod Munster," where they don't wear their typical costumes.