Finechi: Story of My Stroller Bag

By Chaayen

A while back, I received my stroller bag from Finechi. One thing for sure, even before the baby comes, the life turns upside-down. Before I could even find proper time to take photos to do justice to my classy diaper bag, it was converted into a hospital bag because my gynae told me our little one could come anytime already. At that time, our stroller/infant seat came too but it was quickly checked and put aside because priorities had change, baby was coming.
Don't be fooled by Finechi's appearance, this bag is incredibly light-weight even after I fixed the sling straps that had a beautiful golden clasp finish. It had a lot of compartment at the side of the bag and it allows me to keep my content organised. To customise your bag, you can either get a fur charm (which comes in a variety of colours) or the acrylic keychains. As the bag is now used a as hospital bag, I am using my spidey acrylic keychain as it will be easier to clean when I am back home.

And yes, all these had been stuffed into my Finechi bag with lots of excess space. we will be bringing a second bag with the less essential items haha (cos photo props are important to this mama, some moments when missed are lost forever! From left to right:
  1. 1 Jacket (cos I felt it was so cold already during the hospital tour)
  2. 1 room slipper
  3. 1 Milestone card from
  4. Baby's first toy from Pebble Child
  5. 2 Bottles of Brands Essence (there was enough space of 2)
  6. 3 disposible underwear
  7. 1 Curel facewash sample pack (Cos toiletries are basically provided except facewash and this was the most convenient facewash I could
  8. Kotex night pads (Am not entirely sure if this would work but some mothers suggested prepping your own just in case you aint used to the ones the hospital provided)
  9. Huggies wet wipes and 1 bottle of Acquassimo to keep the place sterile
  10. 1 Powerbank (will be stuffing my wires too!)
  11. 1 Silverette Nursing Cups (really more for prevention, cos I heard boys can be quite rough with their mother's nipples)
  12. 1 Amulet (haha)
  13. Underpads from Guardian (Heard you can save some money if you don't use the hospital's)
  14. Personal Documents 

** Will update the conversion of my  Finechi bag into a diaper bag after I am done with the pushing :D And yes, I will update what we are packing into hospital bag 2 as well. FYI, hospital bag is nowhere as pretty and glamourous since it is the hubs using it :P