Finding Your Unique Style Inspiration

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

In the world of small business, micro-business, freelancing and solopreneur-ing, we’re constantly being told to find our USP.

So, what’s a USP?

In small business, a USP is your “unique selling proposition” – what sets you apart from all the other business coaches, graphic designers, photographers and wardrobe strategists. In other words, what’s so special about you and why should the world care?

Finding a something similar for your own life, whether you’re in business for yourself or not, is not a bad idea when you think about it. I mean, we’re all selling something about ourselves, right? On a date. On a job interview. Negotiating the price of a house. Haggling with a flea market vendor. These are all times when you’re saying to someone, “trust me” or “let’s do it my way.”

So, instead of a USP, why not consider finding for yourself a USI: unique style inspiration?

Oh, but how?! We’re constantly being bombarded with marketing messages of what we should look like from magazines, TV shows, billboards and even other people. In a vast sea of stimuli, where do we look to find ourselves?

1.) Magazines

Not all magazines are created equal, and not all magazines are created for every woman. I don’t read Vogue because I think it’s ridiculous and silly. That’s not my life, never will be. Although I do read Lucky, I sometimes find it’s also a bit silly – but it’s a little closer to what my life looks like. So, what I do is find the best examples of what I want to look like. I recommend snapping a photo and pinning to your style board on Pinterest.

2.) Your Past

Everyone does, indeed, have a past. Look back at a time in your life when you felt really stylish. Was it high school, or another time in early adulthood? If so, what was influential back then in terms of pop culture? Take that inspiration and find a modern interpretation.

3.) History

Being a history geek may put me in the minority, but I’m so inspired by the past. In fact, I created my own Pinterest board of historical styles from the 18th, 19th and 20th century. All the trends we see are just reiterations of designs past, so why not take inspiration from your favorite time in history. You may not want to dress exactly like a 40s pin-up, but you can definitely let it inspire your wardrobe.