Finding The Perfect North American Holiday For You

Posted on the 15 July 2018 by Mark Pedersen @purelythemes

If you’re looking for an escape from your daily life, going on a holiday, domestic or international is one of the single best ways to do so. You will experience new people, new locations and maybe try new food, you will see new sights and hear new sounds, and when you come back you will feel renewed and ready to get back with your real life. But how does one go about finding a good travel destination and arranging all the small necessary details? Whether you want to travel in the United States or Canada, the rules are more or less the same.

There are many options for different holidays on trips to the United States and Canada. Here are some of them thanks to tips from ClickTravel, an online travel agent directory helping you find exactly the type of holiday you’re looking for:


Here you will get around to various major attractions and attractions. Travel with your family in comfort, or travel alone for the solo experience. There are also many planned trips to follow where you can experience both city life and nature as you wish. Some of the popular tours also bring you to Hawaii or Alaska.

Road Trip holiday

Rent a car and drive around to the different places you yourself want to see. This holiday form gives more freedom on your tour although it can also be more stressful to plan everything. Even if you have the opportunity to follow preplanned programmes and see the most exciting things in the area, having a car on your own goes a long way in experienced true freedom.

Study Trips

Scholarly trips to the United States are quite popular, especially to New York. There is also ample opportunity to include many professional aspects in such a study trip. The travel agent organizes all the convenience for you, so you can concentrate on more important things.

Safari Travel

Near the Rocky Mountains there is the possibility of a real safari, where you can see the brown bears up close, in their natural surroundings. Naturally, nature is also an experience in itself. And other areas such as Yellowstone National Park are considered must see as well.


Is there an easier way to be transported than to get into a train and let the train comfortable transport you to the next destination? Especially in Alaska there are some beautiful tracks of railroad amidst stunning countryside, but also Canada has a beautiful landscape to enjoy.

City break

All across North America there are large cities, brimming with life and color. From New York and Montreal to Vancouver and Seattle, if you want to experience skyscrapers and busy life on the sprawling streets of a metropolis you are spoiled for choice.

Hiking Holiday

With hundreds of trails spread across the landscape, there are a number of hiking options available for all ages and activity levels. From moderate hiking in the pleasant countryside, to foraging through the Appalachian trail in USA to The Great Divide Trail and Confederation trail of Canada, there are plenty of great experiences to be had all around.

Motorcycle Travel

Many men have at one time or another had dreams of blasting down Route 66 on a motorbike. Wind in your hair, freedom in your heart and dirt road as far as the eye can see. Why not make the dream come true? Experience both desert and metropolis, and a trip down Highway 1. It has never been easier than now to find quality lodgings and sights across the way!