Finding the Balance...

By Misslara16 @misslara
Have you ever toyed with the idea of the possibility of living forever?  I bet we all have at some point or another, unfortunately we cannot live forever you have to pay your dues here and pass on to the great beyond. The issue of when and how is a topic for another day or we might never get to talk about it (who likes to talk about that anyway?)
The main reason for this post is just to remind you to live, take some time out and just live, savor the moment and don't rush through life like its a roller coaster ride.  I have a short story to tell, recently I heard about the best graduating student from the Nigerian law school died even before he got to enjoy the results of his hard work. I'm sorry but that prestige, the certificate, and the pride his parents felt is short lived and they will wish he were here, alive without the good stuff.
You need to know what people are willing to give to have breath in them just for a little while longer. Yet you have this life and you live it like you borrowed it from your enemy, you don't care if it turns out good or not. You have to quit that attitude and start to live your life with a purpose. Its important to live life, treat yourself with dignity, carry yourself with great esteem and do not permit any one to treat you with contempt.
My goal in this write up is to help find a balance between making life count and still enjoying life because of its trifling nature. One can say oh life does not last forever and make really awful use of time and other resources at our disposal and on the other hand one may be of the mindset that living life is a chore, I hope at the end we all can look back and be happy with at least most of the choices we have made.
Wait a minute, that job you fuss over so much who promised you that it will last, when you are to do something and you procrastinate, who promised you that there will be a tomorrow? You have today, live, smell the rose, relax, work hard, take care of yourself, don't fuss or worry over what will happen next, just relax, live in the moment and make the best of your time. Work on your self, be the best version of you yet and in general enjoy the moment share love not war, not deception and lies.
We have come to terms with the fact that life is not permanent its like a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean and occasionally it goes like vapour in the wind. Beauty fades, money is like an adulterous woman it doesn't stay with a lover long enough. Earthly possessions are trifling, you cannot rely on them, you cannot put your trust in them. the preacher says vanity upon vanity, all is vanity.
Placing your heart, hands in the right place, peace is important in making the best of your life, 'better one handful of tranquility,than two handfuls of toil, chasing the wind'. Be realistic, set goals and reach them don't live a deluded life thinking all things will come easy to you. In the real race of life, beauty, rich parents, even rock hard abs is not a prerequisite for success, its got to be good old fashioned hard work.
If and when the time comes, the time to reach to the plane where ancestors party and life is no more, when the stars of the sky refuse to shine on you and you have to give it all up and move on, if and when the time comes for you to give account of your life, I for one, I do not want to look life a fool when my life's event is played back. You should live your life building up to that moment. Let us live fulfilling lives that will leave our footsteps on the sand of time regardless of when we depart the world.  I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes of all time.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. Mhatma Ghandi