Finding Something out of Nothing to Wear

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

{source emanuela franchini via Compfight}

It’s a good morning!!! Hmmmmm … or is it?

You are already running late and the day has barely launched.

Typical though, hey?

The kids are up and dressed for school with brushed hair and clean teeth. Their lunches are made and a row of packed lunchboxes is lined up along the bench.Breakfast dishes have been loaded into the dishwasher and the kitchen is now respectable(ish). Feels like a day’s work has been done already.

BUT you, however, are still in your pyjamas, frantically eyeing the clock, because Mum getting ready comes last. It always does. A perk of the job really, isn’t it?

Off you dash, in a mad haste, don’t want to be any later than late.


You pull on an outfit but there’s something not quite right and off that shirt goes, tossed onto the bed. Looking, looking, looking ….. searching through the wardrobe (that is of course full of nothing to wear) you try another which is even worse and quickly the clock ticks.

ARGGGHHHHH, forget about the dreaded bad-hair day, things are even worse – it’s a rotten-clothes day! Another three combinations of tops and bottoms later, you finally decide upon an outfit that feels wearable and looks – at best – ‘fine’ ….. but boy, oh, boy what a crappy start to the day it’s been.

I bet you’ve lived this too. I know that I have (hrhrmm yesterday morning cough, cough) and I understand exactly how much these sorts of mornings really suck.

Don’t fret though, I have a plan that may help deal with future episodes of rotten-clothes-day-itis because starting the day feeling good is really so important. Face it, your morning’s mood can have a huge impact on how the entire day unfolds.

The Problem:

It’s one of those mornings where every change of outfit makes you feel frumpy, uncomfortable and just plain ol’ out of sorts.

The Tip:

  • Pick a moment in time when you are not rushing and when you are feeling good about the world and life in general (this is more important than you’d think)
  • Go through your wardrobe and try on a range clothes to create THREE (3) outfits that are deadset winners. These outfits are ones that you feel comfortable in and possibly even attract compliments
  • From top-to-bottom including shoes and accessories, make a note of these complete ensembles and know where to find them in your wardrobe in a hurry on a day that would otherwise be heading for an outfit meltdown
  • My thinking is wearing the same clobber to work (or play) twice in a week is ultimately better than having a day or two spent feeling self-conscious and miserable.

What do you do when you have a rotten-clothes-day morning? Do you change a billion times until something satisfies or do you soldier on regardless?

Linking up today with Jess at Diary of a SAHM and her IBOT
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