Finding Reading Material During Coronavirus Quarantine

By Hippiebookworm @HippieBookworm

It’s been weeks since our state Governor put out a shelter-in-place order due to rising cases of Coronavirus. But my mother, who lives in a different state, has been home even longer. On a recent call she told me that she was on her last book with no more unread reading material left in the house. And while I do think this is definitely a “first-world problem,” it’s one that can be fixed easily.

So how do you find more and more and more reading material when the bookstores and thrift stores are all closed until further notice?

Exchange books with family and friends.

One thing my mother also told me is that her and my sister often mail books and back and forth because they have such similar likes and dislikes when it comes to reading.

I took a look at my own bookshelf (I tend to read books my father would appreciate more) and found a handful I could send to my parents via mail.

In fact, a lot of my books came from my boyfriend’s mother who was looking to make extra space on her shelves.

Join Kindle First

Kindle First is free from Amazon. You can borrow ebooks and audio books similar to a library and they often offer free Kindle books for download about once a month.

I have written about this service before. I get a lot of my ebook reading materials from Amazon’s Kindle First program.

Link your Prime Accounts.

My friend and I have linked our Prime accounts which means that she has access to the ebooks and audio books that I buy and I have access to ebooks and audio books that she buys (mostly as there are a few exceptions).

Subscribe to Audible

Audible (a branch of Amazon) has a subscription service that allows for one audio book purchase per month without additional charge. This isn’t really a free book as I pay $14.99/month for the access, so I often try to find books that are 15 hours or longer to use my credit on.

Audible often has deals on the audio versions of Kindle books you already own and there is shorter Audible Original material that is provided free of charge no matter how many selections you make.

Final Thoughts

With so many avenues available to us, there’s always some way of getting more books for less money.

I hope this post finds you healthy and safe and I wish all my readers from around the world the best as we work together to find a new normal.

Here are my recommendations for this month:

Please note that clicking on any product links and making a purchase may result in a commission being paid to the blog author.

Where do you typically find your new reading material?