Finding a Cute Promise Ring

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

If you have recently decided to buy a promise ring for your girlfriend, you may be unsure where to begin. You, of course, want to find a ring that your girlfriend will enjoy. At the same time, you want something cute and fun, not too serious. You do not want your girlfriend or anyone else to mistake your promise ring for an engagement ring. There are plenty of options out there, many of stores even have a sections devoted to promise rings. This quick guide can help you weed through the selection, to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Bigger is not Better

When looking for a promise ring, remember that bigger is not better. Promise rings should be small, with limited decorations. Many promise rings have no gemstones. If you do elect for a promise ring containing a gemstone, opt for just one small gemstone. You do not want to overdo it. Silver or gold are both great materials for a promise ring, but platinum is a little bit much. A promise ring is supposed to be a small reminder of your personal love and commitment to your girlfriend, not a big, shiny rock designed to grab attention.

Popular Designs of Promise Rings

Promise rings are generally made of silver, white gold, or titanium. A traditional and popular design for a promise ring is a plain white gold or titanium band with a personalized inscription carved into the inside of the band. Non-traditional diamond solitaires are also very popular types of promise rings. These rings generally consist of a single, small diamond set in an unusual way.

For example, the diamond may be tension set, or it may be in the inside of heart. Colored gemstones are also a great choice for a promise ring. Just about any colored gemstone design is a great choice for a promise ring, as they are less likely to be mistaken for engagement rings. Emeralds, which symbolize love, are a great alternative to the more traditional diamonds. Additionally, your girlfriend’s birthstone makes a great choice for her promise ring.

A promise ring should not be as traditional as a wedding ring, and it should draw heavily from your girlfriend’s personality. In the end, it’s about showing her you care and putting more thought into it matters more than anything else.