Find the Rawhide

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
After Christmas we bought Holly a three foot rawhide on clearance. We gave it to her one afternoon, taking back the end knots when we thought she had eaten enough rawhide.
A few days later I gave Holly one of the knots. I thought she'd finish it quickly, but instead she started playing "hide the rawhide."
Rather than eat the rawhide, Holly decided to start hiding her rawhide. She "buries" it behind the curtain, in corners and under the throw rugs. We find it under the girls bed and in their covers. Whatever we do, we cannot acknowledge it. If we move it or move towards it she will put it in her mouth and move it quickly.
When we had our bitter cold streak last week, Holly used the towels near the front door to bury her rawhide. We watched her put the knot in the middle of the towel and use her paws to move the towels around. It took her a while to completely bury the knot, but she really worked at it. A couple of days later she put her knot on a couch and tried to move some pillows on top of it. She managed to move a doll's dress over it. Satisfied we wouldn't find it, she left it there for a bit before hiding it at the top of the stairs.
If she's not burying her rawhide, she drops it next to Daddy. It's really funny because she'll carry it to him and drop it. She walks away, leaving her treasure with him. I'm never gifted with her know. She doesn't seem to trust me as much as she trusts him.
I don't know how long she'll leave the rawhide in the next hiding spot. Someday I expect she'll decide to eat it, but that causes a different issue. If she eventually eats it will we ever know? Or will we just think she's found a really good hiding spot?