Financial Stress: My Least Favourite Kind of Monster

By Eemusings @eemusings

"Money comes and money goes," a friend observed the other day, in conversation about our marital woes.

Indeed. It's frightening to think about how much money actually flows in and out of our bank accounts. The monthly graphs my online banking generates for me throws this into stark relief.

It's particularly frustrating when it's coming and going (particularly going) beyond your control. This may not jive with the bootstrapping and responsibility the PF world loves to tout, but there are times in life when you simply have to deal with what you've got.

It's really hard to stay motivated when that happens. Why work so hard? What's the point?

Sometimes being a grown up sucks.

Both Lauren and Jordann just blogged about dealing with financial stress. They've got some good advice.

I'm trying to:

Eat decently. I used to be a hardcore emotional eater (HAVE FEELINGS, EAT ALL THE THINGS) but it's been a few years. Now I tend to lose my appetite when stressed.

Talk to people. It blows to talk about depressing things, but it's worse to bottle them up.

Have little indulgences. Much-needed new work shoes, underwear and headphones are perking up daily life SO much. Small expenditures, well worth it.

Anyone else in a bit of a financial funk right now?