Finally Arrived

By Ros @scotlandphohos

St Kilda

I was lucky enough to be given a trip to St Kilda as  present last year. I booked the trip for this summer, as I was already planning on being in the Western Isles for a fiddle camp. So it was a long wait….but very much worth it!

So several of us went over to St Kilda together  a couple of weeks ago, and bizarrely landed on the island during the eye of a storm. We were treated to hot sun for most of the time we were there, and some fierce gales the night before and the night after we left.

I meandered over the hill at the back of village bay, and spent some time watching the sunlight on Gleann Mor. This photo is one I took on my mobile.

Having just returned from 2 weeks firstly on Harris, then St Kilda and Taransay, I now have plenty of photos to sort through!