Film Friday #1

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
I go to the cinema a lot, since my boyfriend and I decided to get unlimited cinema passes back in April we go pretty much on a weekly basis. We definitely get our money's worth and there's the perk of advanced screenings too where we can see a film a couple of weeks before it's actual release. There was also the time we went to a 'secret screening' and it wasn't revealed what the film would be until we the lights went down and a short clip from the actors was played. If you're interested, it was Now You See Me and I felt like I should keep quiet about what happened so I didn't give too much away to anyone. Anyway, I've rambled on a bit there but my point was; I go to the cinema a lot so why don't I write more about the films I go to see? So here we have it, my first 'Film Friday' post...
About Time
I actually saw this about a month ago now and it didn't take an awful lot of persuasion to get Andy to come along. I'm not gonna lie, it is a chick-flick and that's clear from the start. The time travel element is really interesting even though Tim perhaps misuses it to begin with; trying to get his sister's friend to fall for him, but it really does take an interesting twist. Bill Nighy's performance is incredible and the relationship between him and his son Tim (Domhnall Gleeson) is so believable, I really got caught up in the narrative and it was really moving; just ask my mascara!

We're The Millers

Sometimes with comedies you can think all the funny parts are in the trailer. With 'We're The Millers' this definitely isn't the case and it was so funny, more than I expected it to be! Plenty of laughs but still enough serious moments to balance it out and let's just say that Jennifer Aniston looks amazing for her age!


I know this one got pretty mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. The whole concept of Earth being overpopulated, dirty and poverty-stricken while the more well off live up on Elysium in the sky where they never get ill and can seemingly live forever, was really interesting. Matt Damon is brilliant and (without wanting to give anything away if you've not seen it) it's really pretty sweet at the end.
What films have you seen recently, whether you enjoyed them or not, I'd love to know!

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NB: These images were sourced online and are not my own.