Film Bingo – 11 – 15

By Newguy

Film Bingo

During the Lockdown, I have found myself coming up with new ideas, with this latest one being one of the biggest and most ambitious that I have ever attempted.

I have made 50 (yes, FIFTY) cards with 9 actors and 9 actresses on, I will continue to watch movies at mostly random style, where once I have seen a film with any of the performers, they will be crossed off the list. I have made sure that even if I was to re-watch Avengers Endgame, we will only see one name ticked off each card and tried my best to keep people separate from the biggest franchise connections.

I will be introducing 5 cards a day between May the 21st and May the 31st, as well as already starting to plan for the brand new one to start on the 1st of January.

This Bingo will start on the 1st of June, with updates at the end of each month to see which cards are getting completed first.

If you like this idea, let me know if you want to play along and without any further ado here are the cards.

11 – 15