Filling up Your Car with Petrol Now Costs £80

Posted on the 11 November 2021 by Ecoexperts @TheEcoExperts
Filling up your car with petrol now costs £80

The cost of fully refuelling the average car has risen to £79.70, the highest figure since records began.

A litre of petrol at the pump costs 144.9p per litre, according to government data that goes back to 2003.

That means UK drivers - who typically cover 6,600 miles per year - will now spend £1,206 per year to buy petrol, on average.

Filling up your car with petrol now costs £80

Josh has written about eco-friendly home improvements and climate change for the past three years. His work has featured on the front page of the Financial Times; he's been interviewed by BBC Radio; and he was the resident expert in BT's smart home tech initiative.