Filling the Frame
By Judithmiddleton
So the good old tax disk has been abolished. That circular
paper certificate that always came with perforations on a square sheet of
paper, leaving you in a high state of anxiety every year as you fretted over
whether or not you would be able to detach it without tearing right across it.
I wonder what, in this digital age, will go next? Could it
be that strangely sized piece of green paper, known as a marriage certificate?
I can think of any number of people who might object to that.
Even amongst divorcees they can be viewed as sentimental objects.
Over the years many the numbers of clients who have protested
in horror when I have explained of the need to lodge the certificate at court with
their divorce documents on a non-returnable basis. Strange as it may seem, you
do have to prove you are married in order to divorce!
Fortunately, albeit for a small fee, a further official copy
can be obtained and filed in court instead.
Once upon a time a client told me that she deserved to be able to retain the
official certificate she was handed on the day she married, as proof of her
willingness before witnesses to commit. I think she was serious when she said
it was her wish to hang it and her final divorce decree in matching heart-shaped
frames (which she'd never known what to do with) alongside each other on her hall wall.
Is there anyone intending to frame and hang their last tax
disk? It could solve the problem of what to put in that attractive circular
photo frame I've had in a cupboard for years.