Now that you’ve gotten the low-down on True Blood: The Complete Fifth Season with our review, why not win a copy for yourself? To celebrate the release of the Blu-Ray Combo Pack and DVD, HBO is offering fans a chance to e-meet Stephen Moyer (Bill Compton) and Kristin Bauer van Straten (Pamela Sywnford de Beaufort), they fill in the blood and become a Scribe of Lillith.
Visit and think of a verse befitting the Book of Lillith. Fill in the form just like the one below and it will be posted onto Twitter. Fans are asked to fill in change every day and the top ten from each day will be shown to the actors.
The winners of the contest will be announced at 12PM PST/3PM EST during a virtual signing with the top scribes winning DVDs signed and personalized by Stephen and Kristin. The signing will take place live from the set of True Blood and Bill Compton’s mansion. Stephen and Kristin will be signing DVDS, reading the winning tweets, and answering questions submitted to the @TrueBloodHBO Twitter account. It will be streamed live on UStream with a link provided on Fill in the on the day.
The winners will also get their tweets immortalized on Parchment and sent to them. Can you say completely awesome?
So what are you waiting for!? Go enter now!
Thank you to Sofia Todisco for providing us with the bloody details of this fabulous contest!
Source: “Become a Scribe”
Image Credits: HBO, Inc