Filibuster Threatened

Posted on the 27 March 2013 by Mikeb302000

Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee speak at CPAC 2013. (AP)
Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, are vowing to filibuster any new restrictions on guns, according to a letter the conservative trio wrote to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
The warning comes just days after Reid announced plans to forge ahead on legislation that would expand background checks and stiffen penalties for gun trafficking after the Senate returns from a two-week Easter recess.
"We, the undersigned, intend to oppose any legislation that infringe on the American people's constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance," the senators wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Fox News.
To me this filibuster tactic always seems like a chicken's way out or a loser's way to deal with something that would otherwise fail.
Another thing to consider is, if the polls are right, these guys are seriously damaging their careers. NRA and gun manufacturer money cannot make up for constituents' disappointment come the next election.
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