ME: So guys, this one is called a……..
LAUREN: A pumpkin?
SAM: A pumpkin?
SAM: Orange?
SAM: Banana?
ME: It’s called a fig!
SAM: Figs look like this (holding it up)
ME: What does it look like?
SAM: It looks like a mandarin orange.
LAUREN: I have lots of descriptions. When you hold it upside down it looks like a hot air balloon. And when you tip it over like this (holding sideways), it looks like a thin pumpkin.
ME: Did you guys feel it?
EMMA: Elmo did it.
SAM: It looks like a volcano.
ME: Let me cut it open and you can see the inside.
ME: What does it look like?
SAM: Tomato.
ME: It does look like a tomato with all the seeds in it.
EMMA: Snuggle!
ME: Lauren, what do you think?
LAUREN: I think it looks like a mouth with a lot of red teeth.
ME: Did you smell it yet?
EMMA: Bum bum.
ME: Sam, you want to smell it?
SAM: No.
ME: I think it smells really bright and fresh.
LAUREN: I think it smells like broccoli.
EMMA: Uh bokky (broccoli).
ME: Let’s taste it!
ME: Hm, this one doesn’t taste too ripe. It’s a little dry, normally they’re a little jammier.
ME: So what do you think?
LAUREN: I don’t like it.
ME: You can’t just say you don’t like it. You have to have a reason.
LAUREN: It tastes like strawberries.
ME: Why don’t you like it? You like strawberries.
LAUREN: It’s a too sweet strawberry.
What reminds you of a strawberry?
LAUREN: The teeth.