Fifty Shades of Grey: Is The Writing Really That Bad?

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

I’ve never read 50 Shades of Grey, nor do I intend to, and I think most of you feel the same.

And from the few small excerpts I’ve read, E.L. James is no Hemingway. Her writing often gets criticized for being sub-standard, and I would agree with that criticism.

However, are we being fair?

The Grammarly team recently sent me this infographic that shows some of James’ most frequent grammar mistakes, and they give examples of those same mistakes in more respected novels.

And I totally missed the drawings of the authors when I first looked at the infographic. Pay special attention to Ernest Hemingway in a wife beater, holding a whip. Hilarious!

Take a look:

Now let’s be honest. They’re nitpicking on Fitzgerald. We all know he’s a perfect writer and never makes mistakes, at least I know that.

But what about James? Are we being too hard on her?

And what does this say about my ongoing critique of Ayn Rand’s poor writing?
