Fifteen Years in Prison for a Jihadist Attack on the White House

Posted on the 24 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619

(Washington) An American of 23 was sentenced to 07 years in prison for having intended to carry out an attack on the White House or the Statue of Liberty in the name of jihad, the American authorities announced Thursday.

Posted on 23 July 2020 at 19 h 29

France Media Agency

Hasher Taheb, a resident of Georgia, was arrested on 15 January 2019 after have been the subject of an investigation by the Federal Police (FBI) alerted by a member of his community worried about the “radicalization” of the young man.

According to the indictment, he wanted to be a “martyr” in the name of jihad and go to territory occupied by the Islamic State group in Syria or Iraq. But arguing the loss of his passport, he had considered better to carry out attacks on American soil. He particularly wanted to attack the Statue of Liberty in New York and tourist monuments in central Washington.

In December 2018, he had met an incognito FBI agent and revealed a hand-made sketch of the White House.

In the following weeks, he had detailed the necessary weapons (semi-automatic weapons, grenades and an AT-4 anti-tank rocket launcher) and instructed the federal undercover agent to obtain them.

He had been arrested at the time of the “delivery” of the weapons.

According to the judicial authorities, no target had really been threatened by this project.