Fierce Creatures Party at the Graveyard in New Video [premiere]

Posted on the 17 July 2012 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

We have a long history of loving Fierce Creatures — it started with their debut EP, I Mostri Feroci, which shockingly didn’t get as much attention as it deserved, and had them play the first SXSW we ever put on in 2011.  So we were super excited to hear their newest single “Catacomb Party”. It’s the perfect party song, with a lot of danceable beats and atmospheric guitars. The awesome video goes perfectly with the song, with a lot of fun and a littler dark. Seriously, though, that party looks like so much fun it’s only a matter of time till we throw our own creepy graveyard shindig. Their sophomore album, which shares the same name as the single, is out August 7th and we cannot wait.

Check below for the premier of the “Catacomb Party” video and get some inspiration for your next party’s theme and, most importantly, soundtrack.

Fierce Creatures // “Catacomb Party” from Jeffrey Prosser on Vimeo.