FFS Friday - Will the Sephora Saga Ever End?

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Last Friday Toll came out and picked up the Sephora eye shadow. Finally. FFS.

I didn't have all the required paperwork but they took the package and said they'd sort it out. Not FFS.

Stupidly I assumed that was finally the end of the Sephora saga. It wasn't. FFS.

Monday I got an email from Toll saying that they had another item to pick up and they'd be here to collect it on Wednesday. WTF? FFS.

I replied asking what they were collecting and they said that it was an eye shadow for Sephora. FFS.

I told Toll that they'd already picked up the eye shadow and I didn't have anything else for them to collect, so they said they'd get back to Sephora. FFS.

Tuesday I got an email from Sephora saying that I'd returned the wrong item. FFS!
I emailed them back and asked WTF they were talking about. Unsurprisingly they haven't bothered replying to me. FFS.
Seriously Sephora, WTF? How can such a large company be so incompetent? It can't be that difficult can it? FFS.
Interestingly, it takes orders they send over a week to arrive and yet when I returned the eyeshadow it took a few days. Hmmm. 
I am so over Sephora, it's been the worst shopping experience of my life. FFS.
This week Tiger returned home. The last few days before his return are always the most difficult, we're all tired and sick of him being away. Monday I wanted to sit down and eat a meal without losing most of it to the kids, so I made what I thought was a child proof meal. I mixed broccoli, feta cheese and balsamic vinegar and happily sat down to eat my meal. Immediately the boys wanted to know what I was eating (they'd already finished their tea). FFS.
I happily told them I was eating broccoli. They both announced that they like broccoli. FFS.
Not fazed I gave them a taste, confidently waiting for them to spit it out. They loved it. FFS.
Between them they ate the whole lot and came back for second helpings. FFS.
It was the last of the broccoli and feta. FFS.    
I had toast for dinner that night. FFS.
Yesterday I had some precious child free time. I needed to go to the farmers market and decided to have a browse in Kmart on the way. I walked into the shopping center and my sandal broke. FFS.
It was beyond repair, I couldn't even make temporary repairs until I could get a new pair, so I had to walk bare footed into Kmart. FFS.
As I rarely buy Kmart shoes I couldn't find the shoe section, so wandered around for a few minutes before asking a staff member for help. FFS.
I got my thongs (leopard print with a black bow, very classy), paid for them and then had to ask the checkout lady for scissors to break the tag so that I could put them on. FFS.
She regaled me with tales of people who come into the shop bare footed and walk out wearing shoes. Seriously? The shoes cost $10, why would you want to get a criminal record for that? The bag check lady at the door also had many tales of shoe stealers. She said I was probably followed around the store by a store detective to make sure I didn't steal shoes. Fun times. FFS.