FFS Friday - Waiting

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello! Happy Friday! Hope you've all had a good start to summer.
It's been hot here so Tiger and the boys have been swimming lots. I've been sitting on the couch with my leg elevated. Still.
It's been seven weeks since I injured my ankle. It's not getting better. My physio wrote to the surgeon so now I have an appointment in a few weeks. It's two days before he goes on leave over christmas, so clearly nothing is going to happen until next year. 
I'm so over being incapacitated. It's not fun. The boys are over it too. Ah well, I figure I'm lucky because I will get better, this is only temporary. 
Now, today I want to talk about something that I did a few weeks ago. It's something I never thought I'd do and yet here we are. 

I bought a pair of gym shorts. 

I don't have body image issues. Whilst my body isn't perfect I'm happy with it and the amazing things it's done for me. 
Having said that, I am aware of wearing clothes that suit me and flatter my figure.
When I started at the gym I really wasn't on board with wearing leggings, I didn't want to highlight my lumpy bits. There weren't any other options, so I wore leggings even though I didn't want to. Now I'm used to them and don't give them a second though. 

Once the warmer weather hit I started thinking about what I'd wear to the gym. I hate being hot and don't cope well with the heat, so I was searching for an alternative to leggings. I saw a pair of loose shorts at the gym and tried them on.

My first though was how cool and comfortable I felt. 
Then the negative thoughts kicked in. 
They're too short.
You can see my cellulite.
You can see all my spider veins. 
I need to use fake tan, my legs are too white. 
My legs aren't toned enough.

I decided that I wasn't going to buy them, but I couldn't get past how cool and comfortable I felt, so I bought them and I wore them that day.

As I was looking around the gym I noticed a few things.
There were people of all shapes and sizes there.
Most of them didn't have a perfect body.
Everyone was too busy doing their workout to give a damn what I looked like.

It got me thinking about how critical we are of ourselves. We're so unkind to ourselves, way more unkind than anyone else would be. 
When I look at the women at the gym I don't think negatively. I look at them with admiration for the effort they're putting in, how strong they are, how confident they look in their outfit etc. 

If only we could think the same way about ourself as we do of others. Imagine how wonderful it would be if we could look at ourself and instead of focusing on our flaws we could focus on the positives? 
That's what I'm going to try doing. Ignore my flaws and just focus on the good bits.
Remember, you are all beautiful. Give yourself the love and kindness that you give to others. 
If we can all do this perhaps the world will be a happier place.