FFS Friday - Too Tired to Think of a Title

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
You may notice that this weeks post is a little late. FFS.
It's been one of those weeks. FFS.
Hubby went back to work on Tuesday. FFS.
He's been home for six weeks and it's been awesome. Not FFS.
I am not one of those people who doesn't like having their partner at home. I love having him home and given the choice I'd like to have him home all the time, especially now that we have two children.
Tuesday night was an absolute nightmare. FFS.
Chai still doesn't sleep through the night unless he sleeps with one of us, however Eljay is rather noisy at night, so I slept in the room next to Chai. Between 10.30pm and 12.30am he woke up four times. FFS.
The last time he woke up Eljay woke up and wanted a feed, so I was trying to feed Eljay whilst getting Chai back to sleep. FFS.
Needless to say it didn't work, so Chai sat there crying the whole time I was feeding Eljay. FFS.
I finally got Chai back to sleep, then Eljay decided to wake up every two hours. FFS.
Two of those times he also woke up Chai. FFS.
Wednesday morning I got out of the shower to find Chai on our front doorstep. FFS.
Not only had he unlocked and opened the front door, he'd also figured out how to unlock the security screen. FFS.
Thankfully Mum came to stay on Wednesday lunchtime. Not FFS.
She slept in Chai's room Wednesday night and the cheeky little monkey slept all night. FFS.
I have no idea how single parents cope with two children, I am finding it very difficult. FFS.
Eljay feeds every two or three hours and Chai wants constant attention. When Chai doesn't get attention he screams and starts throwing things. Fun. FFS.
Thursday I had an Avon lady coming over at 11am. I needed to do the food shopping but decided to do it after she'd visited. We all sat around waiting for her to arrive and at 11.51am, gave up and went out. FFS.
She sent me a message at 2pm saying that she'd been running late. FFS.
And now for the reason this post is late. We've switched internet providers as our old provider could only give us ADSL1 and it's very slow. It was due to be connected yesterday and before he left Tiger hooked up the new modem. This morning I couldn't get it working. FFS.
After much internal swearing, resetting the modem, checking the settings etc, I discovered that Tiger hadn't connected the modem to the phone line. FFS.
At least it was something simple! Not FFS.
That's my whinge for this week. I hope you have all had a great week. Feel free to share any FFS moments in the comments below. 
If you'd like to read more whinges, head over to Sarah's blog.