No shit. I timed him.
It only ended when he sneezed and it flew across the table and deposited all over my face like a freaking Pro Hart work of food art. FFS.
Mstr3 is also now requesting blue capsicum. Mini MOFO loves all capsicum, red, yellow, green - but now he wants the non-existent blue. Of course he does...FFS.
thanks to my method of parenting via distraction I only find out about this a week or two few days later when rudely poked in the nether-regions by a shriveled up carrot that's been shoved down the back of the lounge, FFS.
As I type this, Miss3 has just taken one bite out of the end of a carrot and informed me that she's had enough. FFS.
I may have to sell
I Googled 'carrot on lounge' and 'hidden carrot' and this image came up both times. What up with that Kimye?!?!
The Twin Tornado were happily eating raw beans the other day, munching away as quickly as I could snap the ends off them. I was beside myself but totally playing it cool - lest they sense my excitement and realize that means their food of choice is healthy.I was all "oh alright...I suppose you can have another bean...." making it seem more on the chocolate end of the food scale than the spinach end. It was working a treat until Miss6 came downstairs and stopped dead in her tracks. Miss6: "OH. MINE. GOD! WHAT. ARE. THEY. EATING!?!?!?" Me: "Shutupshutupshutupshutup!" Miss6: "EWWW! THAT'S SOOOO GROSE!" Me: [hissing] "If you shut up I'll buy you that Bratz thingamy" Miss6: [squealing] "You mean the Bratz Catz that transform from daytime girlz to night time catz?!" Me: [muttering] "Oh sure, can't remember how to spell 'where', but can rattle off an entire freaking TV ad verbatim..." Me: [more audibly] "Yes yes sure just shut up about the B-E-A-N-S!" Silence as Miss6 contemplates 3 things:
- the speed with which I've given in,
- which therefore means she's on to a bribery-winner and needs to think quickly about what else she wants
- that the word I spelled out was beans
It's a long weekend here, which means that I have to parent Miss6 for a whole extra day on Monday. FFS. And #1Hubby / 4th Child. FFS. And the Twin Tornado whose Daycare day is Monday, and therefore I will have no day off this week. FFS. The Wahmbulance has been called, don't worry. It's probably not covered by my basic health insurance either, FFS.