FFS Friday - Sinking

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello beautiful people! How are you all?
Life has been tough this week. Chai's anxiety has kicked into overdrive and I have no idea how to help him. He's had anxiety for ages and we've always been able to manage it. This time we are not managing it and it's debilitating. 
He had two days off school this week and when he was at school he stayed in the same room all day. I can't get an emergency appointment with his psych, he can't take medication and I have no idea how to help him. 
It's awful watching my child struggle and not being able to help. It's also exhausting to deal with. When Chai's anxiety is high he talks non stop. It's not just chatter, he expects a response. It's overwhelming and I find it so stressful. I'm an introvert, I like quiet so having someone talk non stop for hours on end hurts my brain, is exhausting and sends me into overload. 
I wish I knew how to help him. I know there isn't an instant fix for anxiety but there must be some way to help. What happens to all the other people with anxiety who can't take medication? What do they do?
There needs to be more help available for children and families who are struggling. There's nowhere for me to go to get advice (that I'm aware of). For all I know I could be making his anxiety worse. I'm trying to keep him going to school so that he keeps his routine and so that he doesn't get too anxious to leave the house but is that the right thing to do? I keep him home on the days when I see he can't function but the days when he's not too bad I send him to school. Maybe that's pointless because he won't leave his classroom? He still does his school work but by staying in one room he's still quite isolated. Am I making it worse? 
I can't get him into a psychiatrist so there's no way of finding out if there is a medication that can help him. His paediatrician won't prescribe medication as every one we've tried has had the opposite effect and made him worse. What am I supposed to do? Who is going to help us? Probably no-one, I'll just have to muddle through it and hope that I can retain my sanity and that I'm not causing lasting damage to Chai. 
I suppose that's what life is about, muddling through, doing the best you can and hoping it all works out. 
Whinge over.Have a wonderful weekend beautiful people. Never forget you are perfect exactly as you are.