FFS!? Friday : Pets

By Parentalparody @parental_parody

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Because, duh....obviously they go hand in hand.

It's a well known fact that I am forever patting myself on the back and marvelling over the fact that I have thus far been able to sustain the lives of The Feral Threesome.  No FFS!? No major illness or injury, no severe emotional scarring.  No FFS!? Substantial and frequent questionable parenting, but nobody is perfect. As if to test the limits of my abilities, the kids have been whining for a pet lately.  FFS!? I struggle to maintain human life, how do they expect me to add to the quota with a pet?  FFS!? I've explained to them that I'm maxed out as it is.  One of the living beings would suffer.  FFS!? But still they persist. And my kids aren't even the types to proclaim their pet management skills like others do while trying to bargain for a furry family member.  They tell it like it is and still display utter disgust and contempt when I knock them back.  FFS!? Me:      Why do you want a pet? Them:  Because our friends have a cat/dog/guinea pig/rabbit/fish/birds Me:      You know we travel a lot, right? Them:  Yes Me:      So that means we aren't home all the time to look after a pet. Them:  It can go to Daycare Me:      No it can't Them:  Yes it can Me:      They don't have Daycare for pets Them:  Fine, we'll get a babysitter Me:      ...... Me:      You know someone has to look after a pet every day, right? Them:  Oh yes Mummy, we know. Me:      Will you feed it? Them:  No, you can do that when you feed us. Me:      Will you fill its water up? Them:  No, you can do that when you feed it. Me:      Will you walk it and play with it? Them:  We will pat it when we watch TV. Them:  Sometimes.  But not all the time.
At least they are being honest / realistic.  FFS!? Does a virtual pet count? I'm pretty sure I could keep a virtual pet alive between Facebook updates and Ebay purchases.