FFS Friday - Mouse in the House

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello! Did anyone realize I was late with my post? No, good, carry on then and we'll pretend I'm not late. For those of you who did realise, I was way too tired to do my post last night or this morning, hence my tardiness. 
Last Saturday we had a great day. Chai (along with Eljay and I) went to his first birthday party. It was a superhero theme and they boys had a wonderful time. It was great to see them having so much fun. Chai was that excited he was running from one side of the room to the other, laughing. 
Being at the birthday party alone was tough. There were all these other families there and kids with their Daddies. I wished that Tiger could have been there with us. He was really sad that he missed out too. Plus, it would have been great to have him there helping me with the kids. Oh well. 
Anyhow, we went home after the party and went to bed as usual. I'd been asleep for a few hours when I was woken by a noise. FFS.
I lay there for a minute or so trying to figure out what it was. FFS.
It was 1am. FFS.
At first I thought there was someone in the house but I quickly concluded it wasn't an intruder. Not FFS.
The noise was definitely coming from inside and as I was getting up to investigate I saw a mouse run across the room! FFS!
I'm fine with creepy crawlies, spiders, cockroaches etc but I cannot stand mice! FFS.
They totally freak me out. FFS.
I got back into bed and tried to decide what to do. FFS.
I figured that calling my dad or brother was pointless because they probably wouldn't be able to find the mouse and even if they could, they'd wake both the boys in the process so that wasn't an option. FFS.
There was no way I was going to hunt for it myself. FFS.
I nearly called Tiger but really, what could he have done? He's a four hour flight and two hour drive away so he couldn't help. FFS.
Then I thought about calling the police. I'm not joking. FFS.
I seriously considered that for at least five minutes but came to the conclusion it wasn't a good idea as they had proper crime to deal with. Plus, I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate being called out to find a rouge mouse. FFS.
In the end I did nothing, I lay in bed, awake most of the night, listening to the mouse (or mice) playing in our room. FFS.
Sunday morning, to the boys delight, we headed to Bunnings. I bought 7 mouse traps and set them all in the bedroom. FFS.
When we got home I had a look around our room. I found mouse poo in the wardrobe, in our bed, in the cot, in the bath, behind the door, pretty much all over the place. FFS.
I also found it in the nursery, high up on the wall near the ceiling. FFS.
No worries, I had mouse traps. Not FFS.
Feeling very pleased that I'd solved the problem, I went to bed Sunday night secure in the knowledge that my mouse problem was over. 
Silly me. FFS.
I was woken at 10.20pm by the blinds rustling madly. FFS.
And then I heard the mouse. FFS.
I couldn't see anything, but the blinds rattled for about 15 minutes. FFS.
Cue another night with barely any sleep. FFS.
Monday morning I was exhausted. FFS.
I hadn't caught a mouse and I couldn't find any more mouse droppings, but I did find a hole near the windows. FFS.
Cue another trip to Bunnings. FFS.
This time, on the advice from my facebook friends I got more mouse traps, a sonic mouse repeller and some spac filler. I stopped at the supermarket for peppermint oil too.

I used a whole tub of spac filler in the hole and I could have used more if I'd had more. I plugged in the sonic thingo and put peppermint oil in the vapouriser. That night I didn't hear a mouse. Not FFS.

Unsurprisingly, I didn't sleep well though because I was paranoid about a mouse running over us whilst we were asleep. FFS.

I keep on thinking I hear and see mice everywhere. FFS.

It's driving me nuts. FFS.

I'm convinced they are living in our roof. FFS.

We bought three more sonic thingo's and have them all over the house. I've also found more holes that we'll fill and hopefully within the next 20 years my mouse phobia will disappear. FFS.

Wednesday Chai left one of his cars on the floor in our bedroom. I saw it out the corner of my eye, thought it was a mouse and jumped so high I nearly launched myself through the roof and into space! FFS.

Who needs NASA, just show me a mouse and I'll launch into space for you. FFS.

Yep, I'm an adult, which is clearly obvious by my very rational fear of mice. FFS.

Hope you all had a wonderful, mouse free week.

If you'd like to read more whinges head over to Sarah's blog. If you've had any FFS worthy moments or have a good mouse story you'd like to share, please make me feel better and tell me all about it.