FFS Friday - Intentions

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Today, I'm announcing to the world my intention to stop yelling at my kids. 

I'm not going to yell at my precious babies any more. It's not okay, it's not necessary and it's not who I want to be. 

I am going to leave behind that angry, overwhelmed, stressed, yelling person and become the happy, calm person that I want to be. 

I know it won't be easy and that I'll fail over and over again, but that's okay. I'll apologise, get over it and try harder next time.

I never wanted to be this person, it's not nice, it's not necessary and the kids don't deserve it. I could give you plenty of reasons to justify why I am this way, but they're just excuses and frankly they aren't good enough. I am in charge of myself, I get to choose who I want to be. This is not who I want to be. I am not being true to myself. 

So, it's going to change. I'm going back to the person that I want to be. Happy, calm and centred.

I won the smacking battle and I'll win the yelling battle, minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day.

Wish me luck.