FFS Friday - Confuddled

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello beautiful people. How are you all?
I think Tiger is losing his mind. He's just not making sense at all. Either that or I'm losing my mind.
Take the other day. We had to go out so Tiger bought an unpaid bill with us. I assumed that he bought it with him because he had to pay it in person.
The bill sat in the car then when we'd finished our running I asked if he needed to go to the post office to pay the bill. He told me that he was paying it over the phone.
Me: So why did you bring the bill with you?
Tiger: Because I need the account number to pay the bill.
Me: Okay. But how are you going to pay it?
Tiger: Over the phone.
Me: Right. So why did you bring the bill with you?
Tiger: Because it's got the account number on it.
Me: Oh, so are you going in to the bank or post office to pay it?
Tiger: No, I'm paying it over the phone.
Me: So why didn't you just pay it at home?
Tiger: I don't know.
Me: Are you going to sit in the car and pay the bill?
Tiger: I don't know.
Me: Why didn't you just pay it when we were at home?
Tiger: Not sure.
Me: That makes no sense at all.
I'm so confused. Things like this happen all the time and I'm starting to doubt my sanity because it just isn't logical.
I wonder if he's starting to go senile or if his actions are perfectly normal and it's me who's going senile.