FFS Friday - Coffee

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello Friday! We made it! This weeks been really up and down for me. Monday I said goodbye to one of my favorite people, she's moving overseas to live. After seeing her almost every day for the last seven months, her absence will leave a huge hole in my life.
You know those people you meet and you instantly like them? She was one of those. Those people who understand you, don't judge. The ones who you feel better just by being in their presence. Those people are rare and should be cherished. Whilst I'll still get to chat to her online, it'll be years until I see her again.
Thankfully Mum and my Step Dad came down for a few days, which softened the blow, then Tiger came home. Highs and lows. That's what life is like isn't it? Good times and bad times. Focus on the good, forget about the bad and that's all you can do.
To add to the excitement, this week we got a new coffee machine. After suffering without a coffee machine the whole time Tiger was away (which was cruel and unusual torture), the coffee machine was fixed the day he got home. Talk about timing.
Our machine is four years old. It's been a great machine, but it's starting to cost us money. We've fixed everything on it that could break, however we decided to sell it and get a new one. The new one is amazing! Coffee machine technology has come a long way in the last four years. The new machine makes coffee as good as you'd buy in a coffee shop. It's so good that when we're going out we make our coffee at home and bring it with us. I'm in love. 
That's all I've got to report this week. Have a beautiful weekend.