FFS Friday - Alien

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
I think Tiger is broken. Either that or he's been abducted by aliens and it's just his empty, soulless body that's here. Last Friday was the perfect example. He had the day off and we had to pick up something for his work. We did that then a few hours later his boss called and said we needed to go back to pick something else up.We went to the place exactly the same way we had before and as we were going there we discussed that once we got in to the suburb we needed to turn left. We got in to the suburb 10 seconds later and Tiger turned right. I asked what he was doing and he had no idea. Instead of turning around at the first possible place he drove along for a while then turned at a spot where he couldn't turn around, so instead we had to go around the block. Simple enough. Or not. He's driving along, and instead of heading back to where we needed to be, he continued merrily driving along, missing all the turns, until I pointed out that he was still on the wrong road. Once again, he was surprised, but he turned around and we finally got to where we needed to be.  How bizarre. He's only here in body but not in mind. It must have been aliens.  I suppose it won't really make much difference, we'll just pretend that everything is normal. I'm sure the kids won't notice.I'd say the aliens will return him soon, he'd be way too annoying for them to keep, especially if he uses the royal "we" on them.He does that to me all the time, however every time he says we he means me. I refuse to let him take the credit for things I've done so I'm constantly correcting him. Last night was the perfect example. He got home and the pool pump was on, so he said "How long have we had the pool pump on?" to which I replied "We haven't had the pool pump on, I put it on at 4pm."He also says we went he wants me to do something. Maybe he thinks I'm too silly to realize what he's up to. I'm not.So he'll say "We really need to vacuum the floor" and I'll reply "Go aheah, you know where the vacuum is."Nice try buddy, but it's not going to work. In other exciting news, yesterday I bought gum boots. It's the first pair I've had since I was a child. I got them after getting soaking wet feet at school drop off. That won't happen again because now I've got gum boots so I can splash in puddles to my hearts content. Fun times.Hope you all have a beautiful weekend.