#ff Operation Every Band (@opereveryband)

Posted on the 09 March 2012 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Operation Every Band (@opereveryband). Have you heard of it? The mission: To listen to and review every band showcasing at SXSW 2012. Yes, that’s nearly 2000 bands, and yes, that’s a lot of listening and a lot of typing. Don’t worry though, Kevin McStravick of Denton, TX leads the site, and this year, he’s enlisted the help of two friends to help him write the hip-hop and electronic music reviews. As of last night, Kevin had roughly 200 bands left in his queue.

Four days left before the start of SXSW and 200 bands! Of course, we know he’s up to the challenge, and while Operation Every Band’s tweets are not extremely enthralling, they will keep you updated on Kevin’s progress and linked to his insightful artist reviews. I’m definitely looking forward to Operation Every Band’s posts that will be written in front of the SXSW stages this year. they’re certain to highlight some of our favorite bands!

Video: Young Buffalo – “Catapilah” Young Buffalo may be the best Brit rock band to ever come out of Oxford,… tmblr.co/Z6iZ0yHeYPf5

— Operation Every Band (@OperEveryBand) March 8, 2012

Photo: SXSW 2012 Spreadsheet 116: An incredibly solid set for this late in the game anchors our morning… tmblr.co/Z6iZ0yHcV9LW

— Operation Every Band (@OperEveryBand) March 7, 2012

Photo: SXSW 2012 Spreadsheet 111: Tonight’s set is highlighted by a trio of great talented lead singers…. tmblr.co/Z6iZ0yHUiktm

— Operation Every Band (@OperEveryBand) March 5, 2012