#FF Nymphomaniac, Director Profiles and More...

Posted on the 29 March 2014 by Shane Slater @filmactually

Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac" duology is a hot topic right now within the blogosphere. While the reaction seems mostly positive, I was a bit more lukewarm. I'm not alone however, as other bloggers have stated their own issues with the films. Find out what Andy and James had to say below, in addition to some other interesting reads from the past week:
Andy found the film unpleasant, but was impressed with Stacy Martin's performance.
James was unsatisfied with Volume II, feeling that the first film was better.
Alex recently profiled one of the most talented, uncompromising filmmakers - Alejandro González Iñárritu.
John also wrote a director spotlight, focusing on Darren Aronofsky.
Shala is getting ready to attend the Tribeca Film Festival and compiled a list of 10 must-see films from the lineup.