Few Things for the Holidays...

By Livingnotes @livingnotesnyc
awesome easy recipe to try - delish! and here is a place that makes me wish I was a master chef every time I check it
great album to listen to  - modern, but traditional Christmas, how cool is that? you guys, I almost fell off the bed when I heard them sing the song from MY CHILDHOOD in MY LANGUAGE ( they translated a part into English - so you'll understand too),  and did an amazing job with the musical arrangement! LOVE this album.
some fun ways of mason jar decor
speaking of decorating, LOVE this wisdom note
love this romantic hair tutorial
no need to spend much on garlands when you do this ( and i love it! on the "menu" for tomorrow)
on art and creativity note, this sculpture blows my mind every time I see it
the cold weather is here ( or just around the corner for some of us) , keep little ones toasty warm with this
and i absolutely love everything about this look , and some fun flares to recreate the look ( and here, here and here) , though it's a shame they are not the same.