Few Essential Qualities A Great Leader Should Have

Posted on the 25 November 2019 by Jitender Sharma

There are a few specific qualities to have that will define great leadership. If you any or a couple of these in you and inculcate the others in you, it will be easy for you to become the leader of your company.

  • As of now all company leaders are facing a crisis because more than one-third of employees simply do not trust their management.
  • In addition to that, the employers too face a problem because they now have to cater to the diverse, and sometimes strange needs of the millennial generation.

It is found through research that on an average a millennial changes jobs at least four times within the time period of their leaving the graduate school and attaining the age of 32. Apart from that, it is also found that most of them do not feel encouraged to continue with their current jobs or empowered with it.

These facts and figures indicate that there is certainly a lacuna on the part of the company leaders who fail to encourage these millennial generation or foster a sense of loyalty and trust in them as their employees.

Sincerity and enthusiasm

Fortunately, this situation can be avoided if only the managers could show a great leadership quality in them. It would then have been easier for them to inspire their teams and employees to accomplish their goals and other amazing things.

Sincerity and enthusiasm are two important things that a leader should have towards:

  • The business
  • Its products
  • The employees
  • The project and
  • The mission.

These are a few essential qualities of a great company leader that cannot be faked. Employees will easily recognize insincere efforts from the leaders even if they see slightest of it even from a mile away. However, on the other hand, when a company leader is sincere, enthusiastic and passionate, it will create a contagious effect among others.

Few Essential Qualities A Great Leader Should Have

When a company leader is enthusiastic it will help in many different ways such as:

  • Identifying and understanding the existing key problems both in the employees as well as in the industry
  • Discuss matters with people responsible and able to find simple solutions to it and
  • Be innovative in creating new approaches to solve the problems as well as to create the best products and services.

Ideally, passion and enthusiasm are the two most significant drivers behind the success of any project, large or small, complex or simple.


It need not much of an explanation that a company leader should be high in integrity. This will drive more trust and fan following in the company. This involves:

  • Giving due credit to a person superior or subordinate for their accomplishments no matter how small o0r big it is
  • Acknowledging own mistakes and work towards rectifying it just as they would do for others’ mistakes
  • Putting safety of the people on top of the list of priorities alongside the quality of work at all times and
  • Doing anything that is just right and suitable for the development of the company as well as safeguard the interests of the employees.

In short, they will always work towards meeting the goal in the most suitable and best possible way. Sticking to the bottom line is important for a leader.

Great communication skills

Leaders should have great communication skills no matter whatever is the issue. They will need have a better understanding of the subject matter and remember that listening more rather than talking is an integral part of communication. It is only then they will be able to:

  • Motivate people
  • Give proper instruction and even
  • Discipline the people that they are in charge of.

If they are not very skilled in their communications,they will not be able accomplish any of these feats. In addition to that, poor communication will lead to poor results. Leaders who do not possess this skill are often termed to be weak and inefficient.


Great leaders should be loyal and at the same time realize that true loyalty is reciprocal. This understanding will help them to express their loyalty in the most tangible ways. This will not only benefit each member of the team but will also benefit the company on the whole.

Few Essential Qualities A Great Leader Should Have

When it comes to true loyalty it involves ensuring that every member of the team havehad the proper training as well as the resources to do their jobs in the best possible ways that will help them to accomplish their goals and business interests.

It is only then they will be able to stand up for their team members in the moments of crisis or any conflict.

Experts say that all great leaders should see them as they are in a position to provide the best of services to their team members. If they believe leadership is loyal to them, they will be much more likely to show the same when it matters the most.


Decision making is an important quality that all leaders should have. In fact, decisiveness is an essential quality for all individuals to perform their daily acts whether it is buying the best clothes or the freshest vegetables, you will need to make the right decision by looking beyond the apparent.

Ideally, a good leader should possess even better decision-making skills and keep in mind that:

  • They should not be simply empowered to make decisions just because of the position they hold.
  • Instead they must be the first ones willing to take the risks and challenges of decision-making head on due to their position.

That means, they will need to make proper decisions and even after that if things go wrong or does not work out just as planned, they must hold themselves accountable for it first and not blame the others for it.

Last but not least, they must also have managerial competence and work with a strong understanding of the mission and vision of the company they work for.

By Isabella Rossellini

Isabella Rossellini is a marketing and communication expert at NationalDebtRelief. She also serves as content developer with many years of experience. She has previously covered an extensive range of topics in her posts, including business and start-ups.