Fetish Face

By Waynechisnall @WayneChisnall

You may remember, a few months back, I posted about the mold I made for the creation of a series of large wall-mounted face mask sculptures. Well, I've just produced my first piece (not counting the existing red wall mask piece that I made, in order to cast the mold in the first place) from it. I'm looking forward to experimenting with a wide variety of materials in the production of the series; materials such as plastics, wood, ceramics, fabric etc. But for this first piece, 'Fetish Face', I used human hair and resin.

Three views of  'Fetish Face', human hair sculpture by British artist, Wayne Chisnall

When I initially set about constructing the mold I intended for the face to be simple and gender/race-neutral so I went for a very stylised form. Interestingly, it ended up looking not unlike a simplified version of a traditional African mask. This may be, in part, because I wanted to draw attention to the similarity in structure of the mouth and eye lids, so deliberately made them the same size and shape. I think that by making this first piece out of human hair I've ended up with something that looks like a cross between Chewbacca and an African mask, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the use of a wide variety of materials effects the appearance of future sculptures in the series.

'Fetish', human hair sculpture by British artist, Wayne Chisnall

The title for the piece refers back to my first hair sculpture, 'Fetish', which I made in the late 90s. 'Fetish' was one of four wheeled tower sculptures (all made from very different materials) all of which, in some way, relate to our emotional ties with material objects and possessions, and how these relationships effect our freedom of mobility. Being a sculptor (therefore reliant on lots of materials, tools and equipment), a bit of a hoarder, and a film buff, I often think on the Tyler Durden quotes from 'Fight Club' - "The things you own, end up owning you." and "It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything." But I'm definitely no Tyler Durden.