Festive Fancies

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush
When does festive season officially start? WELL my theory is this: festive season has officially begun when that first tin of Quality Street (or Roses), and everyone indulges on their favorite choccies (whilst they are still actually there, before all the crappy ones are left) with Eastenders on in the background. This moment has yet to arrive for myself. BUT I have been purchasing some winter woolies to keep me warm in the run up to the Quality Street event. Oh and also a pair of heels which aren’t quite so festive but equally as amazing as furry things. Hat/Headband/Boots/Heels/Mittens Has anyone else bought their woolies yet? Or maybe bought things which are totally inappropriate for this weather like I’ve done!? SMOOCHIES P.S. I’ve also started using Windows Live Writer after having seen it mentioned a few times online. It does seem to have a few extra benefits, but not as many as I’d hoped.