Feng Shui for the Bedroom

By Bonsoni.com @bonsoni

You can create a romantic or based on a devastating relationship to the things that are in your bedroom atmosphere. The things you must have in your area of ​​vital importance, since the creation of the fullness of life, happiness and romance is concerned. Continually exchange energy with the things around us.
You need to put things in their environment that reflects their dreams and goals in all aspects of life. If you want romance, you need to create an environment where possible.

There are many people who are determined that N & rsquo; t to move forward in their lives. They do not understand the impact of your work environment is 24 hours a day every week of their lives. The energy flow around a great influence to achieve their goals or blocking your dreams. Remember, you are one, breathing, energy field life and environment is part of this area. You can make your life and change the level of happiness for energy around change.
Certainly a serious athlete would not play a game in a field that is set for him to fail, but many people are involuntarily to failure simply because they do not know how the law of attraction in your home environment, work to use and the world in general, to give them what they want. His field created to give the message to the world that you desire wealth, more customers, strengthen relationships, a happy family, health, romance, strengthening relationships and personal and spiritual growth?
Here are some hot tips for attracting a hot romance:
Configure your room for two people.
Even if you are alone, if you are looking for a serious novel, which wants to put her bedroom for two people. Question with two toilets and two mirrors. The head of the bed should be a good support for high and solid (no slats). Preferably, the windows are not behind the bed, but will be able to light and fresh air. The pictures on the bed should reflect two beautiful objects. The colors and designs should not be too bright and busy, but relaxing, quiet and comfortable. The important thing is that your room is free of debris. Reserve some space for possible partner to put your things.
Mirror, mirror in my room, it has to fall! When a mirror reflects your image when you're in bed, you can create negative dreams, you double your health problems, and worst of all, you can create loneliness. energy is doubled, so if you are alone, he sees and rsquo; s two. If two, who looks to carry on the bed and other partners. Simply cover the mirror before going to bed. A good option is to hang curtains over closet mirrors. It gives your room a luxurious look.
What is your head hangs to watch the night over their heads? If you want romance, put a picture of a couple, not a person. Make sure you don and rsquo; t have an image that brings loneliness, depression or sadness expressed. The image should represent what you want. Do you want a sensual relationship? Then let the image reflect this. Would you like to travel with a companion? Therefore, what should be its image. If you can not find two people who represent what you want, two of another image would be like two flowers. Make sure there is nothing chaotic, violent, or extremely abstract on the head, because it can cause nightmares and contribute to a vague abstract life. Never hang weapons, animal heads or even photos from predators where you sleep.
Close the door please! When the bathroom opens into the bedroom, it is especially important that the bathroom door must be kept closed down the toilet lid. That is, unless you want to remove romance, good energy and prosperity.
I would scream so that when you go to sleep under a beam! When people sleep under beams and low ceilings, they can have difficulty concentrating, as these structures have set the aura under pressure. Body, often is a health problem in the exact spot of the beam passes through a person and rsquo. If the beam between two partners is, you can break the relationship. You can create a canopy over the bed, pressure or roll cover fabric or paint the ceiling beam to block the match. The best remedy is to move the body it affects.

If romance ES, TV & rsquo; s are here! TV & rsquo; s, computers and sports equipment should be kept out of the room when the romance is desired. They are active energy and are not in a room. Your bedroom should be similar to a place and feel to be relaxing, romantic and passionate. There is nothing passionate team of television, computer or exercise.
It is YOUR HEAD are supported? Do you have a high, solid headboard? The head should not have slats or spaces where energy can flow through the night.
Who was comfortable here? If you are a woman, make sure that everything in your room, including colors, ISN and rsquo; t for soft and tender. When an extremely soft, feminine feel is created, you are not comfortable with ruffles and a man. The same is true if you are a man. A room that is too masculine is not suitable for a woman to bring and rsquo; passionate and gentle form of romance is forgotten.
Clutter, clutter, go! Don & rsquo; t come back another day. Clutter clearing is the first step to open the flow of the room of the new energy. Keep clutter in closets, if necessary. Keep it out of sight! Disorder prevents concentration and can lead to depression. Another trick is to keep hidden waste.
Colors can create romance. Do you have a touch of red, pink or fuchsia in your room. These are the colors of passion, love and cooperation. Pink is a soft color gain romance. The colors that are too bright, it is hard to be restorative. active bright colors must be registered for the other rooms.
SOCORRO ROMANCE OF WATER. Keep water out of the room. No water fountains or images of water in the room and put ndash; no seascapes, no mountains with lakes, etc. emotions run high instability and can be created if this rule is not followed. And lsquo; Life and rsquo; plants in the room either, but silk plants are not acceptable.
YOU can and rsquo; T AT HOME AGAIN IF YOU DON and rsquo; RELEASE T last. If you have products that have been added from a previous relationship with you, get rid of them. The images have to go remember old times with other partners, if you want to focus on the implementation of the new. If you get a pet from a partner who is no longer part of his life, of course, you can keep! Pets are family members. Other & lsquo; Things & rsquo; but occupy the space that should be asked for a new relationship available.

The pictures are familiar to the family. To keep the family in their intimate private companies, family photos keep them in place, which is not in the bedroom. When they are in the bedroom, the family is energetic to see you and your personal relationships. This creates a tendency in relationships want to participate. Pictures of you and your partner are perfect, however.
Where to put my bed? Where is my head to put? Here it is one of the most important issues regarding questions you good romance in a bedroom. You should place your bed, so you can see someone come; but should not be with the door in a direct line. This gives you more of a position of power. Where should you put your head? By changing the direction of the head faces, when you sleep, you can boost your relationship forward faster. Each has four personal best directions based on your birthday. These are the addresses that send positive energy for you. Also they have four unfortunate directions. Maybe you are sleeping with his head against one of these addresses, if their relationships are not what you want.
If you want to focus on romance, the top of his head against the management of their personal relationship should be. If this is not possible, it is also advantageous for sleeping head against his personal direction of success, or personal health department or branch personal wisdom. To visit the four best directions for you by the same place where you get free.
There is something else with you and share and rsquo; s time left! Can the law of attraction to make the romance of romance with their environment to create, but if not used in the three areas of the energy field of the law of attraction, give mixed messages the universe and probably on the way to stuck success.
Here is the simple secret to a life of happiness! You must use the law of attraction in the three critical areas of your energy field. I call it the wow factor.

It is the law of attraction to three simple easy to forms:
You - (their words, thoughts and feelings, Day).
You - (. What you wear on your body - the colors, textures, materials, design and accessories) WHAT and rsquo; -; S around (their environment and ndash Feng Shui.)
Basically, like attracts like. You can learn the vision and take to maintain the habits that allow you radiate energy, you want to attract - and the good news is that it's fun. do, to learn, it is the most exciting adventure you will ever need.

It is the doctrine of unjust election?

A common objection to the doctrine of election by Calvinism taught is that the dial on the side of God is completely unfair to choose those who are saved, and let the rest be damned. A common argument is that God is always a good opportunity, and should be each individual whether or not they want to serve God. The problem with these charges is that they ignore some basic teachings found in the Bible as the idea of ​​total depravity.

The doctrine of election is clearly taught in Romans chapter 9 we read, "(for children being not yet born, have done something good or bad, that the purpose of God according to election, not by works but by that called), he said: What is written, "the elder shall serve the younger" "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.. "This passage teaches that God chooses not saved because of something they have or have not done, but by what your goal could be maintained.

Now we come to the argument that this idea of ​​God's choice is not correct. This is an answer in the next verse says, "What shall we say then there is no injustice in God certainly not because he told Moses," I will have mercy when mercy, and I feel sorry that I have compassion. "Therefore, it is no one who is will, continues to show the date, but by God's mercy." This confirms once again that does not depend on what we do, but God Himself.

The idea that God everyone is an opportunity also contradicts Scripture because Scripture teaches us that people have made their choice already rejected God. We read in the first chapter of the novel, which is known about God is revealed through his creation, but people take this knowledge and injustice remain. Not only that, but the Bible tells us that we are saved by the grace of God. Grace means unmerited favor. say why that God "has" nothing to anyone, namely, a fair chance is to deny the concept of grace. Thanks must be given freely by God where he wants, otherwise it is not grace. Grace is required.

God could have done things in three ways. He could save everyone. Someone would have saved. Or it could have saved those he has chosen to save. Which of these ways God is free at all? It is unclear whether it is save everyone, and it is unclear if it can not save anyone. It's only free if he decides that broke his grace. Unfortunately, most people today are more concerned about the freedom of man as God's freedom.

The final conclusion of this argument is that if God gave him everything, which is true, then everyone will lose and suffer eternal punishment, because that's what everyone deserves. Therefore, it is only by the grace of God that we can be saved. In some grace so maybe unfair, because it is not what we deserve. However, God will not give his thanks to all the tasks that will surely take his freedom.