Feeling Other People’s Energy: Knowing When We Are In Their Thoughts

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

We are all made up of a life force. As a result, many of us are sensitive to other people’s energy waves.  

Just as we can receive information through dreams and visions the universe also transfers awareness through spiritual communication within consciousness processed into the subconscious of connection to the universe. 

Some people do not speak about things or constantly go on about things because they worry about what others may think.

I am one who never cared or feared what anyone thought. I have always been outspoken. If certain people are narrow-minded or ignorant as to what inspires or motivated me that is on them- not on me.

I know myself; I know who I am and the spirit within me will speak as it pleases through what is significant to life situations.

I do not have a problem speaking for myself or on behalf of certain others.

One of my strongest abilities has been one of an empathic being able to know/feel the energy within the universe and from people who surround me or who are around at a distance no matter how far away they are.

As a woman born with this gift, I include to pick up on men’s feelings toward me.

As women in general we cannot stop men from being attracted or interested in us.

For empathic people there is no avoiding the aspect of energy that is pointed within our direction.

When a person is thinking about us, and we are in their thoughts we can pick up on their thoughts within our minds because they are thinking about us.

This energy is transferred to us consciously and unconsciously from the other person or people.

Everyone or most are unaware that we are cognizant of their thoughts/feelings/emotions/energies etc….

We gather information from their thoughts day in and day out depending on the level of intensity or consistency of the person who exudes the energy.

It is important for us to not ignore our intuition because there is a reason why we feel their energy as time will later tell if all is not immediately or presently divulged to us at first.

Their feelings are not our feelings.

Just because we can feel that someone likes us in no way indicates that we are liking or interested in them as some who are not informed about clairsentience may misinterpret in the case of a romantic or sexual attraction from the other person just because we tend to discuss it or complain about it.

There are incidents where feelings are mutual and some may share a connection, but just because people are somehow spiritually connected does not mean their feelings are mutual.

What I have noticed is that men that I do not like and who I am repulsed by have often come into my thoughts within the past.

I would feel them constantly until their feelings for me eventually waned.

There were a few guys whose energy I had to deal with for years until they finally gave up.

These two knew that I had a gift and purposely would communicate with me telepathically. There were spiritual experiences between us all that were backed up and confirmed years ago before they left me alone.

The more I feel men’s energy who I do not like the more I get repulsed by them.

Some people tell me I should be flattered, but why?

Why do the guys who turn me off the most do not understand that I do not want them?

No matter how much they may lie or deny their feelings for me, if I do not reciprocate, I still know the truth.

Even when they admit to their feelings, they still do not want to accept that I will never like or desire them.

They sometimes act as if I am supposed to want them.

When men come into my thoughts most of the time it is a warning to beware of them and to alert me to the type of men they are. And this is a good form of confirmation as these are guys that I would not have ordinarily given the time of day anyhow.

For all my life, informative energy has come to me in my thoughts, whether it was to impart knowledge of life lesson facts- people, situations, or things.  

However, I really hate and do not understand why I must be annoyed by the energy of men that I despise.  

The occurrence can linger for long periods of time as they are occupied by their own thoughts or feelings towards me.  

I appreciate the awareness to take heed to when they direct any sort of negativity toward me, but when they like me, I do not like to “feel” it. 

Nevertheless, it is just part of a supernatural gift that I must live with. 

latoya lawrence