On feeling blog inadequate once in a while and how to combat that. This topic has resided in my ideas list for more months that I anticipated. I'm worried even whilst writing it now.
In a media-centric world and community where everything is in abundance and it is 97.5% sugar coated, ready for sharing on every social media channel, I wanted to chat about feeling blog-inadequate. Because I do, some of my best blogging friends do, and you probably do too.
I started Daisybutter in 2010. Before this, I shared outfit photos and style posts on Soompi and before that I had like 3 MySpace accounts. If I'm frank and honest, I found it difficult to open up and make friends while I was at school and this odd sharing culture that resided in the depths of the Internet became my safety net. Let me sound like an old biddy for just one moment and recount that when I started this blog, I didn't even know that the "public" could find it. I thought it was an invite-your-pals-along thing, just like MySpace. (I miss that old horse.) Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would lead to collaborating with some of my favorite brands and brands that I'd admired from afar, or that national print magazines would invite me to award ceremonies(?!) or that the community itself would catalyze completely and become a very sought after medium of its' own.
I often sit down to catch up with my hefty following list and feel overwhelmed at what else is out there. While I prefer to plan my own content before getting down to reading, I'm always completely transfixed and inspired at just how much original, cool, captivating content is in the blogosphere. I sit and wonder why my comments count has spiralled downwards yet visits are up, I consider shimmying beauty content into my blog before realising I'm crap at it. Then I open my emails and read my comments and I'm overwhelmed again at how bloody cool you guys are. Like srsly.
Feeling blog-inadequate is one of those things that you kinda just have to go with. Squish it in the back of your head because bloggers and blogs are exactly as successful as they are because every single one is different. Yes, there might be a thousand matt plum lipstick and bronze eye tutorials floating around, but every one is slightly different, tweaked for a different individual. There's plenty of us to go around. I've realised that while I might not be everyone's go-to for one thing, maybe I'm better at something else.
My point is that if you're feeling less than chipper about your Internet spot, take a quick breather and don't fret. Meltdown over, I'm much more happy about DB becoming a little daily accompaniment to my life. Like really, if I do something, it'll probably be on here, if I try a new restaurant, it'll be here too, and if I buy something new, (I'm working on this one) it'll mayhaps sprout up in an outfit post. Don't sweat it.