Feds Raid Clinton Foundation as Trump Goes Full Third World Dictator

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

The biggest story right now isnt the speculation Trump is suffering from a cognitiv disorder (he is) or that he will BLOW OFF HIS MEDICAL EXAM next week (he so will) but that at his behest the Justice Department has, according to CNN just a few minutes ago, is raiding the Clinton Foundation.

This frightening move puts him squarely in the corner of other autocrats from Hitler to Idi Amin.

It seem that Money for Access is the purported focus of the probe. It probably turns up nothing. If it does catch even the smallest irregularity trust me SCROTUS trump will let us know. Over and over.

This is much bigger than the indisputable fact that Trump’s got dementia or worse or that he’s Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein rolled up into one.

Separated at birth?

Irrelevant Jeff Sessions has had a banner couple of days. Yesterday he moved to take away the PTSD medicine for every veteran in about 14 states and today he’s attacking a charity.

Why? Because our corrupt presidents charity never remitted and was just a way to enrich himself at the cost of Cancer kids. So of course he’s just sure that the Clinton Foundation is a front as well.

John Adams, who could at least admit he was bald. 

Its EASY to believe the president would pass a polygragh regarding his belief that the Clinton Foundation is corrupt. He can look in the mirror and see corruption right there.

So freak out that he’s crazy, I am, but take note that today Trump began persecuting his political enemies with the apparatus of the state.

Liberty has not been so greatly endangered since the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798 passed by John Fuckin Adams.

Next most disturbing would be certofoed (By Paul Ryan and Stve Scalise) Putin Puppet Dana Rohrabacher in the following segment screaming over poor Ana Cabrera that the entire Mueller Probe is directed by CNN and the media.

Freedome ws nice while we had it I guess.

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