February Week 4...The End of Summer...

By Scarecrow
A last blast of Summer heat to end the season...not a drop of rain for February.

Notes from my garden diary...Feb 2015


Sunday 22nd Feb
Temperature Min 19.8C Max 36.4C in the garden (40.7C where we were)
Monday 23rd Feb
Temperature Min 21.4C Max 32.3C
Returned Home

Tuesday 24th Feb
Temperature Min 9.9C Max 26.3C
Potted up another punnet of Broccoli Albert
Continued to clear out my bed at the Community Garden and helped clear some of the other garden areas.

Wednesday 25th Feb
Temperature Min 9.7C Max 31.5C
Pruned back the Tomato Jungle in the Shade Tunnel so we can get in!!!
Dug up the Dwarf Plum Gulf Gold from it's spot in the garden as it keeps being defoliated by grasshoppers...and the site was too shady. I shall keep it in a pot until winter and find a more suitable position for it.
Sowed seeds into punnets of:
Spinach - Matador, Bloomsdale, English Medania and Southern European. Cauliflower - 60 Days, Mini and Snowball. Cabbage Mini, Chinese Broadleaf Celery, Yukina Savoy (Large Leaved Tatsoi), Hon Tsai Tai, Pak Choi, Mizuna Red and Lime Streaks, Corn Salad, Coriander and Parcel.

Thursday 26th Feb
Temperature Min ?C Max 34C
Re-fitted drippers, planted Silverbeet seedlings, mulched then netted the bed to keep the birds off.
Potted up Broccoli Mediterranean Sprouting
Divided up a very overgrown clump of shallots from the Community Garden Bed. Planted some in my garden bed there and at home, the rest were potted up to share later.
Fixed (re-sewed the hems) and returned the shade cover to my community garden bed. Took it back up and Doc re-attached the hoops with wires (cable ties don't last long in the wind up there) and the PVC pipe middle support too. 

Friday 27th Feb
Temperature Min 16.8C Max 34.1C
Topped up my community garden bed with compost, soaked coir, potting mix and soil from the site that Doc shovelled into it for me...
Sorted pots and seedlings to take to a friend tomorrow.
Saturday 28th Feb
Temperature Min 19.9C Max 37C
Went to a nearby Town Garage Sale (multiple garage sales held on the same day)...and dropped off some seedlings to a friend over there.
This week I have been harvesting...
Volunteer Amaranth
Chives Onion and Garlic
Cucumbers Green and Mini White
Baby Kale
Spring Onions
Windfall Apples
Seed Sources: see links under the "Seed Suppliers" Page Tab above
Diggers Club, Mr Fothergill's, Greenpatch, Green Harvest, The Seed Collection, DT Brown and Home Saved.