...they say it's Autumn already!
Temperature range for February:
Lowest Min 4.6C
Highest Min 21.6C
Lowest Max 21C
Highest Max 36.7C
56 mm Rain (last check of the rain gauge was at 5:30pm on the 29th)
Rain comparison with other years: February average is 22.6mm:
2012 56mm
2011 151mm
2010 7mm
2009 0mm
2008 1.6mm
2007 10.4mm
Harvest Tally for February:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making. For Salads, Juice and Stirfries I have been picking Kale, Silverbeet, Leaf Amaranth, Purple Orach, Mushroom Plant, Gotu Kola, Basil, Nasturtium leaves and new Beetroot Leaves which are not always weighed.
Beans Gourmet Delight 55g
Beans Purple King 527g
Capsicum California Wonder 1251g
Carrots Mixed 536g
Cucumber Suyo Long 2153g
Garlic Elephant 150g
Leeks Bulgarian Giant 122g
Melon Tigger 460g
Onion Red 131g
Potato Brownell 323g
Pumpkin Blue Ballet 515g
Pumpkin Whangaparaoa Crown 2992g
Rockmelon Hearts Of Gold 3170
Silverbeet 132g
Squash Acorn Table Queen 2054g
Tomato Big Rainbow 627g
Tomato Black Cherry 52g
Tomato Ida Gold 64g
Tomato Money Maker 3003g
Tomato Stor Gul 950g
Total Veg Harvest for February 19.3kgs
Apple Cox's Orange Pippin 1901g
Cossack Pineapple 348g
Grapes Black Sultana 11910g
Nashi Fruit 338g
Pear William 1158g
Plums (tree 2) 1110g
Total Fruit Harvest for February 16.8kgs
Total Eggs for February: 85
51 from the 5 Farmyard Ferals
0 from the lone Barnevelder (she had a summer holiday :) )
34 from the 4 Faverolles
February of Previous Years:
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Planting Plan for Autumn HERE
This is updated as planting occurs.
Come on over to the new look Scarecrow's Garden Facebook page and say Hi!